Onda: Anyone know what is the topic of this post?
Just want to have something fun in this blog, as we are closer to the end of this AD class(speak with my VC student identity, ha ha...) And i always thinking how many people will check out of classmates blogs......just feeling strange and alone in blog, >< class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large;">silly things :)
I found something which is really, really useful for us in this stage, but i don't know if you guys have already seen it or not, but as i want to see if anyone will feeling good or looking forwards to check my blog, i will post some of it every time, see if anyone have any common for it. Just let me know u are reading, huh? ha ha :)
p.s. if u are interesting of my post this time, just let me know, and i will keep posting more and more. hope i can have a happy ending :)

I am reading ga~