Advertising Agency: REP/GREY Worldwide, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Director: Mauricio Duenas
Creative VP: Juan Pablo Hernandez
Art Director/Photographer: Juan Carlos Fandino
Copywrite: Leon Corkidi
Account Director: Beatriz Eugenia Garzon
Account Exective: Carolina Melendez de Zubiria
Onda: WOW! I can't stop laughing when i saw these three print ads! Today, Vincie told us the role of copywriter, and some skills in presentation stage. Funny lecture :) And just cannot believe that i can found these example to be study case :) I do want to upload the lecture note here today, but i need to working on my FINAL project, so...
As you can see in these three posters, the teeth 'said' what they 'feel' to their owner, that means you(or the target audience), i love this part, really lovely! :) and these are also are great example of what a copywriter need to do in the ad.
The first teeth feel angry and annoying of being used, said, "Face it! You only want me because I always have your food ready. I'm sick of being used!" This is an example of denotation that the people just see their teeth as 'tool', but do not really care how to protect or keep healthy of the teeth. They are selling the product can protect or make your teeth more healthier.
The second one, "We've come so far together, but you now want to throw everything out the window. Your coldness hurts me. Don't you feel my pain?" Is this sympathy?(this made me think of robert's laugh face :P ) This showed that the people ignore their teeth(or the pain of teeth) that just do not think it's a matter. onda:"poor teeth, don't said like that la~ ><"
The third one, the image or character is very strong. "So now you're sorry, huh?" Well, it's too late. I only hope my pain is your pain." The message is very clear in this one, and telling the factual situation to the audience. Are three of these print ads are in serious? Seem not,huh? I cannot control laughing when i saw this one!(in fact, i saw this one first, and found out the whole set of ads :P ) Have you ever imagine you teeth say something like that to you? Ha ha ha~ Really lovely~Thanks for the design team of this set of ad, it make me smile and i do think i will buy this brand for my sensitive teeth! :)
But don't you remember, this brand also have their product sold in Hong Kong, and just like Vincie said today, the ad style of this brand in Hong Kong is something like presenting the factual data to the target, said the dentist also using their product or prove the function is real of their product. So, i want to say is the above print ads(this post), may not useful or fit for hong kong market? But some similar case (the campaign of the sending the message 'love your teeth' organization) have use such tone to present their concept too, but not visually similar. Personally, i do think this kind of ad will be okay for hong kong market too, but may not fit for the product image....what am i saying? ><