Friday, February 13, 2009

Art/I WANT YOU TO WANT ME by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar

The interactive installation "I Want You To Want Me", by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar, commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art, for their "Design and the Elastic Mind" exhibition.

I Want You To Want Me explores the search for love and self in the world of online dating. It chronicles the world's long-term relationship with romance, across all ages, genders, and sexualities, using real data collected from Internet dating sites every few hours.

The piece is presented on a 56" high-resolution touch-screen, hanging vertically on the wall, and was installed at MoMA on February 14, 2008, Valentine's Day.

Onda: This video, just hard to find the words to explain why they are SO CREATIVE! I love the ideas or we call concept. This is a really great example of how can design or visual art (and technology too) help to present such a great, lovely and warm feeling messages! It's really really impressive as I never imagine the online dating can be brand like as that! Awesome!!! :)

i can feel the details by e.g.*the darker balloons represent older people, lighter balloons represent younger people~

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