Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Logo/! OBAMA logo design

Onda: It was really amazing that I found these two videos which talk about how the creative development design the Obama '08 campaign logo! Logo design always a hard item for onda within a rebranding project. And these videos told a really nice example (i mean for student reference only, the design is not included in this stage!) of the process of designing a logo.(i think the image of the whole campaign too!) Love the tone of the speaker (may be coz he is a professional''') and the whole news. :) make sure you will take a good look of these, as it is really useful for us, enjoy :)  !

"Sol Sender, who led the creative development of the Obama ’08 campaign logo, has joined VSA Partners as a strategist. As principal of the design agency Sender LLC, Sender developed the design strategy and directed a team of designers that created the defining symbol of the 2008 campaign.

The Obama ’08 assignment began in late 2006, when Sender’s firm was hired by MODE, a Chicago-based motion design studio with an existing relationship with David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief strategist.

Given two weeks to develop design options, Sender and two designers—Andy Keene and Amanda Gentry—produced multiple logos for consideration by the campaign, including a version of the now-famous “O” mark—a landscape in which of blue and red are united within the candidate’s last-name initial. The team’s refined Obama ‘08 logo made its official debut on February 10, 2007, when (then) Senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, Il.

In the video below, Sender tells the story of conception and birth of the Obama ’08 logo, including the strategy behind it, developmental concepts and finalist designs for the identity not chosen by the campaign."

* love this statement: 
"The strongest logo tells simple story."

:) agree?

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